Friday, May 15, 2009

Working towards the Pandora Pandemic

I have officially made the switch. My days of YouTube musical channel listening and subsequent clickage of the side bar are over. In a quest to find a song I heard once on the radio I found myself googling, tweeting, status updating in search of the mystery personal anthem, of which i remember nothing of the artist or a single word. The most recent attempt effort brought me to Pandora. It's really one of those things where I throughly believe the pandora gods are going to magically play the song I have been searching for. 

While I have been waiting for the ultimate twist in musical fate I really have been reminded of some old friends and have been pleasantly brought back to middle school..summer '97..and even dare I say my NOW 4 CD? 

So if you are looking for a way to get through the next 2 hours and change until the 5 o'clock Friedhay whistle I suggest Pandora...

Oh the horr-ora before Pandora.

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